The Matrix movies’ allusions to Gnostic and Buddhist elements greatly enrich the thematic contents of the films. The two religious traditions both agree humans are living in ignorance. However, they can be imparted with special knowledge about the true reality of the material world, so that they can go to their proper place after death. The circumstances surrounding the creation of the Matrix reflect Gnosticism’s belief on the how this world was created. Neo functions both as an example of someone who has to be enlightened on his own and as a Gnostic Redeemer, who has to be awakened first before he can awaken others. The Matrix can be viewed as the illusionary world Buddhists seek to escape from, and the crew of Nebuchadnezzar can be seen as bodhisattvas. However, the films’ contents sometimes contradict basic doctrines of the two religious traditions. Examples of these include the films’ view towards violence, the human body, and the world people find themselves in after they have been liberated from the Matrix. These contradictions serve to make the films more complex and entertaining. Religious references and contradictions that exist in the Matrix movies makes it a complex piece of work, which requires multiple viewings by the audience to better understand its thematic contents.